How you get paid with IWIN

I figured that was an appropriate subject. After all, that’s why you’re here. It wouldn’t matter if we had the best products in the world… the most outstanding system ever put together by human hands… the best hands-off prospecting machine in the entire business world…

If you’re not getting PAID – it has no meaning. That’s why we spent a tremendous amount of time, effort, blood, sweat and tears on creating the compensation plan.

And what we finally came up with… is exciting.

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In fact, it’s down right exhilarating.
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And it’s so simple to understand, you might miss the point if you’re not paying close attention.

So pour yourself your favorite beverage and watch the complete overview Workshop Conference Call now:

IWIN Workshop Conference Call Video.

IWIN says with confidence that – there is NOTHING like our compensation plan in the entire industry. It was created with the membership in mind.

Please feel free to contact me anytime to answer your questions.

IWIN Recap

I want to remind you that it is only takes a small investment to join this awesome opportunity. This will be the best money you EVER spend in your life! IWIN is changing the lives of people everywhere. Everyone has a fighting chance to earn big money now.


1. MEMBERSHIP in IWIN receive 100% of the Sales.

2. The first sale GOES TO YOU Directly. THIS puts money in your pocket right away: 90 % to you and 10% to your upline.

3. The second sale is your qualifying sale (the money goes up line to your sponsor) BUT, here’s the BEST part which makes IWIN VERY UNIQUE:

The qualifier (YOUR SECOND SALE) remains IN YOUR DOWNLINE FOREVER and you receive 10% of his/her direct sales FOREVER.

Do you have ANY IDEA how big this is ?????? The Residual alone is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars!

4. An uncomplicated membership plan with various levels (so that everyone could join at his/her own comfort level) IWIN provides the following four levels: $250, $500, $1,000 and $2,000.

5. A Comp Plan that keeps paying. Thus IWIN Comp Plan provides a 90/10 split of the pay at each of the levels. You get paid 10% pay on each sale your direct signups make, with the exception of the second sale

6. A Comp Plan where each level brings real value and incentives

If you are ready to stop living paycheck to paycheck, and want a better way of life then join today! I will personally show you how to build your own business and create an abundant life for yourself.

This company is different than any other company out there today. It truly cares about its members! Don’t waste another second on the fence. Make the decision today to change your life!

Please feel free to contact me anytime to answer your questions.

Good luck!

Is IWIN Just Another Cash Gifting Program?

In short, IWIN (The Institute For Wealth In Networking) is no cash gifting program.

Let me begin with how I got introduced to cash gifting. Like many of you I received a robocall. Now I usually just hang up when I get them, but I had some time on my hands that day and I listened to the call and visited the web site. I was looking for a business with big ticket sales and, at first blush, this seemed to fit the bill.

As I was doing my due diligence, I discovered that there were no products to sell. It was just a big scheme to gift money and to avoid paying taxes. The issue arises because people “working” a gifting program are running it as a “business” which makes the income taxable. That alone was the deal killer for me.  That last thing I wanted to do was get involved with a tax avoidance scheme and run into to trouble with the IRS.

But I decided to look at compensation model I found some unusual things,
When looking at the typical compensation model, in most cash gifting systems you have to give your inviter or sponsor your first sale. He has no incentive after that to help you succeed as he can earn no more from you. In fact, you are now the competition! And there are escalating monthly administrative fees to deal with .

I thought I’d delve more into the cash gifting/leveraging industry on the National Home Business Review. I knew for sure that IWIN was not a cash gifting program when it was listed as their recommended alternative.

What I liked about IWIN is that they are a mature company in business over ten years with no monthly fees. You do have some low annual costs for your web site, back office and marketing system, but–unlike many of the cash gifting programs– they are the same, no matter what level you join.

As an IWIN business owner you sell bundles of licenses for digitial media products such as ebooks, videos, software etc. You can use the products for own personal benefit, retail them, use them as a lead magnet on a squeeze page, give them away as bonus etc. Your commission, once qualified, is a minimum of 90%.

The Institute for Wealth in Network Marketing’s main product is to focus on coaching their members on the various marketing strategies available. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION HERE, as they will guide you to numerous proven methods that you can choose from. These are exactly the same methods that the various Internet guru’s are using to attain their success. Keep in mind that you are responsible for doing your homework here. If you are lazy and are looking for a get rich scheme…you are in the wrong place.

The other aspect of IWIN I really liked was that you don’t have to give up your first sale to your inviter.  In fact, your inviter will make phone calls to interested prospected and close your first two sales. Then their was the residual income component. You receive a 10% commission on the sales of those you invite.

We CHALLENGE You To Find A Home Business That Offers You A Better Earning Opportunity! To get all the details go to

The Five Biggest Obstacles To Taking Action

This list is taken from an article by David Riklan at

1. The first is fear: fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of success.

Take action now!

2. Another reason is plain laziness. Sometimes, it’s easier to sit and turn on the TV.

3. One more reason is complacency. If you think that life is good enough and adequate, why change and risk it getting worse?

4. Another reason is bad habits. If we are in the habit of doing nothing, we’ll keep doing nothing.

5. A final reason is despair. Many people are of the mindset that they’ve already tried to take action before and it didn’t work. Why should I do it now?

Why Join The IWIN Business?

The simple answer is that we make it easy for you to be successful!

The Institute For Wealth In Networking– IWIN – is a mature, stable company in business for 10 years with no complaints. You don’t have to worry about the company being around.

This is a simple affiliate marketing business licensing digital media products. No technical experience needed. You will be coached on a one-on-one basis.

Grow at your own pace. A big investment is not needed.

Our unique compensation plan rewards you for helping those you invite into the business.  Your inviter will call your leads and close your first two sales.

Plug into our marketing system and choose a splash page. Some can be customized. Leads are sent to an autoresponder series and back office.

We don’t chase people down; they call us!

The IWIN Lead Generation System Explained

A professional and extremely targeted lead generation system has been developed specifically for use for our IWIN members. We encourage our member to take advantage of this powerful tool.

The Automated Capture Page System includes:
– High speed hosting
– Use of 5 Lead Capture Pages – 3 can be edited. Additional choices in development.
– Professional custom audio presentation – NO usage charges
– Built-In Autoresponder w/pre-written emails
-Personalized Thank You Page
– Back Office Control
– Lead tracker – notifies you of leads and shows you which ads your leads came from.
– Lead Contact Manager
– Support, creative marketing ideas and instructional training provided!

Q. How does a Lead Capture page work?

A. Your Lead Capture Page collects the contact information of any person that reads and/or listens to the Page and emails it immediately to you. It also adds the person to an automated list of approved emails and Contact Manager.

It works like this – Within 30 seconds the person that filled in the Form on your Lead Capture Page will receive a professionally crafted email introducing you and inviting them to contact you. You do not have to write a thing…we’ve done it all.

And there are ten more powerful follow up email messages sent to your new lead over thirty days – all from you!

In your private Back Office all of the people that fill in the Form on your Lead Capture Page are listed for an easy way to make sure you follow up.

Of course, you also receive an email with all of the lead’s information seconds after the Form is filled in. If organization is important to you (or a challenge) – we’ve got it covered!

If you check your email often you’ll have the option of calling interested people back within minutes. This is very powerful and extremely effective.

Q. Where is my Lead Capture Page stored?

A. On IWIN high speed servers which are always online. No form of technical ‘know how’ is required. You do not need to buy additional hosting services. Here’s one of the editable Lead Capture Pages I use.

Q. Can I use my own domain?

A. Sure! Your site will reside on our server but you can easily ‘point’ or forward any domain to your web site on our system. It is a very simple 2 min task and we have a web video that shows you the steps. (Using your own domain is optional and requires the purchase of a domain from a domain name registrar like Go Daddy – cost is less than $10.00 a year)

Hint: You can apply your own domain name at any time in the future – it need not be done at time of purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

For general questions about the IWIN Business click here.

Have questions about the Compensation Plan? Visit this page.

To see a video of Frequently Asked Questions by two of the top producers in the IWIN Business go to

Besides the digital media products are there any other costs associated with joining the IWIN Business?

There is a yearly hosting fee of $125 after registering. This fee is used to pay for the costs of running this program including your web site, the back office and member’s perks. Once you become a fully paid member you will have full access to all the products and tools IWIN has to offer.

A professional and extremely targeted lead generation system has been developed specifically for use for our IWIN members. We encourage our member to take advantage of this powerful tool. The annual fee to use this system is $99.


What is IWIN?

IWIN123 is a software rights distributorship (Private Label Rights) company that was ingeniously structured to include a totally unique Cash Leveraging compensation plan with multiple income streams as part of its money making structure. Our members receive 100% of the profits from all sales. Making an executive-level is easier than you think. 

IWIN’s primary structure is the selling of the Licensing rights to over 600 eBooks, educational and business software products. Thus making IWIN123 a fully legal, long-standing company with a strong money- making component. Keep in mind that IWIN123 has a solid, 10-year history of success helping others reach and surpass their financial goals. IWIN123 is one of the few home based businesses that offers a solid 30-day money back guarantee in writing to back up its money making claims.

Some of the unique features that make Iwin the best are: One-on-One Mentorship, a fully automated marketing system (which for a small Admin fee, the participant gets their own website and five beautifully designed capture pages) and autoresponder.  Iwin’s autoresponder system contacts the potential clients utilizing their 10 powerful and informative reminder emails, sent out to your potential clients for 30 days, hailing the merits of IWIN’s powerful money making opportunity.

NO SELLING seems to be the mantra for IWIN since all the participant has to do is return phone calls to those who have expressed a sincere interest in IWIN and need additional information to get started.

What Does IWIN Do?

When I'm asked what exactly does IWIN do, I tell them that we teach people how to earn an income from home and then we show them how they can put that education right to work by earning an income with IWIN.

When you first join IWIN, our first goal is to  educate you in the various methods that are available to market any business. Sales are what allows a business to grow and customers are what produce sales. So, no matter what business you may  be involved with, you will need customers for your business to succeed.

The second thing you get with our business membership is the ability to use these marketing methods to produce customer leads and transform that into a lucrative income in your IWIN business. This system uses a highly automated model that not only ensures your future sales but it will provide you a lucrative income  while expanding your residual income producing team under you.

IWIN not only provides you with the education on how to market but we also give you the vehicle to harness that knowledge by offering you a powerful model to run this home business as you help other people who join you.

You become an educator, consultant and partner in this powerful revenue generating machine.

So here again is a basic operational summary of these two main points.

1.    We teach you numerous  marketing strategies that targets paying customers.  With the marketing in place,  my job will be to  get you started by signing up your first two sales under you.

2.    You  then allow these marketing strategies to do the work by harnessing the IWIN income platform. You simply let the IWIN Compensation Model do the marketing work for you from that point forward.

Your role will shift to a consultant, as you in turn train and assist new paying customers (qualifiers) who were automatically given to you because of your assistance you gave them. That's what I mean by "letting the marketing work for you."

The moment you sign up, the system takes over. The system works outstandingly well and you will never regret your decision.

Hours of prospecting, training and recruiting are squeezed into minutes, not hours!

Why don't we partner up and talk about putting a plan together to start making some real money together?

Give me a call or send a text (see sidebar), visit my site by clicking the IWIN logo.
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